by Matt Newman in [ Announcements ] on, Mar 25, 2021 12:00 AM UTC 44  comments

MWO March Dev Vlog 01

Intro: 00:00 - 00:38

Topics: 00:43 - 01:02
  • Dev Logs
  • March Patch
  • April May Patch
  • Misc

Dev Vlogs: 01:03 - 02:40
  • March was a unique situation
  • Should be able to get back on track with 2 per month in April, but
  • April/May is going to be especially busy because of upcoming MW5 release

March Patch: 02:41 - 04:20
  • Weapons and Equipment changes did not represent our stated objectives in working with the community
  • The changes to Trial ‘Mechs, Bolt-ons, Intro Movie Audio, and Map lighting were successful and will remain

April/May Patch info 02:41 - 02:40

April Patch 02:41 - 09:50
  • Complete Rollback of the Weapons and Equipment changes from the March Patch, this includes     PPCs, Gauss Rifles, Autocannons, MRMs, and MASC
  • Establish Cauldron player group PTS for new Weapon values for April testing and May implementation

Spawn Points, Maps, and Francois 09:50 - 12:57

New Player Packs  12:57 - 15:21
  • UrbanMech UM-K9 "K-9"
  • Griffin GRF-1E "Sparky"
  • Warhammer WHM-BW "Black Widow"
  • Cyclops CP-S "Sleipnir"
  • Combined 4-Pack

Deliver Stryker Pack  15:22 - 17:25
  • Quirks and Bolt-on artwork ETA

Misc. 17:25 - 22:00
  • New Bundles coming in April
  • Roadmap Update
  • Intel Gathering coming in April
    • Booster Pack 2 (Clans)
    • PTS Feedback
    • Spawn Points and Map Fixes

Sign Off  22:00 - 22:49


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