by Matt Newman in [ Announcements ] on, Feb 3, 2021 8:00 PM UTC 77  comments


Matt and Daeron update the community on what is happening in MechWarrior Online 2021 development!

Linked Timestamps in the Youtube description or in text form below.

Intro: 00:00​ to 00:59​

Topics Outline: 01:00​ to 01:29​
- Current Events
- February Patch
- March Patch
- Roadmap
- Intel Gathering
- Misc

Current Events: 01:30​ to 05:37​
- Just wrapped up the Disruptive Sale and Payback 2021 Event
- The Great Dev (and Streamer!) Hunt Event
- Upcoming Sales and Events
- MWO 2021 Roadmap
- February 16th Patch

February Patch Update: 05:38​ to 12:45​
- Increase Cadet Bonus
- Remove Time-of-Day Change in Matches
- Update Bolt-ons to Stay on
- Minor Bug Fix to Light Gauss Rifle
- Increase Requirement for Reconnection Time from 2 to 4 Minutes
- Lower C-Bill Recruitment Cost for Units
- New Bundle Deals

March Patch Talk: 12:46​ to 20:14​
- New Player Video Tutorials
- Lower the Volume on Login Movies
-Weapons Changes Pass 1
- Examine Match Scoring (AMS)
- New Player Packs for Web and Steam
- New Bundle Deals
- Monthly Missions for Free ‘Mech

Roadmap: 20:15​ to 20:36​
- Matt to go on NGNGTV Friday

Intel Gathering: 22:30​ to 23:19​
- New Variants

Addition info March Patch info: 20:20​ to 24:53​
- Trial Mech Loadouts Update Pass 1

Intel Gathering Continued: 24:53​ to 26:26​
- Coming Soon
- Map Spawn Points
- Map Design
- Weapon Balance
- New ‘Mech Chassis

Misc Chatter: 26:27​ to End
- Random Chatter + Feb Free Mech Tease!


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