by Matt Newman in [ Announcements ] on, Jul 15, 2020 6:00 PM UTC 42  comments

Announcing Complete Collections!

Assorted Mech Bundles that change every 48 hours!
Each Bundle contains:
  • all the Hero and Standard variants available for that particular chassis.
  • Mech Bays for each Variant are included!
  • All at a discounted price!

Purchase any Complete Collection during the
and get 50 Loot Bag Bonus Redeems

Please Note:

  • Complete Collections are The Hero and Standard 'Mechs available in the game at the time of purchase.
  • Special, Champion, and Loyalty 'Mechs are not included.
  • Each 'Mech comes with a Mech Bay.
  • Allow up to 10 minutes for collection to be added to your account.
  • Refunds are granted in cases where none of the Collection content has yet been delivered.
  • If your Collection content has been delivered prior to the refund request, contact Support.
  • Issues purchasing? Contact Support.
  • There is a Complete Collection for every chassis in the game.
  • Complete Collections change every 48 hours and are randomly selected so we won't be able to tell you what is next.
  • Complete Collections may go offline, change mech offerings or the number and type of mechs available at any time.


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