Hot Fix - September 23rd, 2014

by Nikolai Lubkiewicz in [ Announcements ] on, Sep 23, 2014 8:25 PM UTC 20  comments
Greetings MechWarriors,

We've just completed our patch and have discovered an issue with some new error logs greatly slowing down the system.
This would cause the normal operations within Mechlab to be extremely slow and causing false impressions that the changes were not saving.
We are working to fix this issue with a hot-fix beginning at approximately 3:30PM PDT / 6:30PM EDT / 10:30PM UTC.
The hot-fix should take approximately an hour to deploy and smoke test.

We apologize for this issue, which was not detectable on our internal tests. In the meantime, players are still able to join in matches and participate in the game. We can only advise that players wishing to modify their load-outs only click once to save their loadout and wait for the the server to accept and refresh their Mechlab. Repeated clicking on the Save button will likely trigger an error, until we can get this issue hot-fixed in the coming hours.


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