Incoming Hot Fix - 06 August 2014

by Nikolai Lubkiewicz in [ Community Update ] on, Aug 6, 2014 6:40 PM UTC 181  comments

Greetings MechWarriors,


Our Technicians are hard at work on the latest Hot-Fix for MWO, releasing later today at 12 Noon PDT, 3PM EDT, 7PM UTC.

This hot-fix should take approximately 15 minutes to deploy and for our team to smoke test.


The purpose of this update is to introduce fixes to a few bugs:

  • Players becoming stuck in an infinite Searching for Match screen should be resolved.
  • Players being sent back to the MechLab after the Match Loading screen should be resolved.
  • Knockon bug: Players sent back to the Mechlab and being unable to rejoin a match should be resolved.

  • The end-result of this fix should mitigate situations where players would encounter “0-ping” users in-game.

After the hot-fix we intend to enable Clan vs. IS matchmaking temporarily today for the purposes of collecting balance and matchmaking data.

Please let us know how the hot-fix and matchmaker works for you!


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