by InnerSphereNews in [ Announcements ] on, Feb 4, 2014 7:19 PM UTC 56  comments



"Ember" Firestarter FS9-E

The 35 ton light "Ember" Hero Mech is the first of the new Firestarter chassis. FS9-E features a chunky set of hardpoints, with 4 energy hardpoints and 4 ballistic hardpoints you'll be blasting the cockpit of your enemies and cooking them like a Terra Therma lava flow. Ember comes equipped with 4 flamers and 4 machine guns, so there's no shortage of firepower for this short `Mech.

This incendiary hero has 5 jump jets (max 6), so you'll be blazing around the Inner Sphere at a top speed of 97.2 kph and a 30% C-Bill bonus!

Tonnage: 35
Engine: 210 Standard
Top Speed: 97.2 kph
Max Engine Rating: 295
Torso Movement:
100 degrees to each side.
15 degrees up and down.
Arm Movement:
25 degrees to each side.
30 degrees up and down.
Armor: 176 (Standard)
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel
Weapons & Equipment:
Left Arm: Flamer x2
Left Torso: Machine Gun x2
Right Torso: Machine Gun x2
Right Arm: Flamer x2
Left Arm: 2 Energy
Left Torso: 2 Ballistic
Right Torso: 2 Ballistic, 1 AMS
Right Arm: 2 Energy
Heat Sinks: 11 Double
Jump Jets: 5 (6 Max)
ECM Capable?: No
Module Slots: 2
Movement Archetype: Small
30% C-Bill Bonus


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