by InnerSphereNews in [ Announcements ] on, Jan 10, 2014 5:55 PM UTC 226  comments


U mad bro? Feel the anger surge through you and direct the rage towards your enemies. Forget the pitchforks, charge up your Gauss and prep the flamers, it's time to get RED WITH ENVY.

From 10am PST Friday January 10th until Tuesday January 14th at 10am PST, Standard and Premium Red colors are 50% off the regular MC price. Blast them in the face and see if they're still laughing.

When you're all nice and mad, and ready to unleash your inner anger, do it in style with a Victor VTR-9B, JagerMech JM6-S, Cicada CDA-2A, and Spider SDR-5V at 30% off the regular MC price!

For that extra fiery breath, Applejack patterns are also 50% off the regular MC price.


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