by InnerSphereNews in [ Announcements ] on, Jan 7, 2014 8:00 PM UTC 281  comments


This 50 ton Hunchback features a 200 XL engine with a top speed of 64.8 kph. With 3 energy hardpoints, 2 ballistic hardpoints, and 1 missile hardpoint, the Grid Iron HBK-GI is sure to blast you through to the end zone!

Just like a quarterback, this well-rounded Mech combines dexterity with pizazz. For the first time, we’re offering a Limited Edition version of Grid Iron delivered with the exclusive Cheerleader Bobblehead. But hurry, this cockpit item is only available until February 4, 2014 through the purchase of a Limited Edition Grid Iron Hero Mech. Enjoy the 30% C-Bill boost!


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