May31st to June 4th Trial By Fire Sale!

by InnerSphereNews in [ Inner Sphere News ] on, May 31, 2013 4:56 PM UTC 140  comments

Greetings MechWarriors!

We heard you like sales! We also heard you like Hunchbacks, JagerMechs, and Highlanders! So how to combine these things... hmm... how about a sale on all Cicadas? No that doesn't work.. how about '50% off the cost of the Hunchback 4G, Jagermech S, and Highlander 732?' Sound better? Sadly it does. So that means we're doing it - yep, 50% off the cost of those variants. The 'no side torsos means no weapons right? Nope my headlaser is still firing hahaha' Hunchback 4G? Now 740 . The four AC2 Ja- I mean, the 'Success' 6-S JagerMech? 1042 . How about the 'ohgodlrmsandppcsruuuuun!' Highlander 732? 1807 .

So if you're looking for a great Mech, here is 50% off three fantastic variants.


  • Hunchback HBK-4G reg. 1480 NOW 740
  • Jagermech JM6-S reg. 2085 NOW 1042
  • Highlander HGN-732 reg. 3615 NOW 1807


Friday May 31st 10:00am PDT
Tuesday June 4th 10:00am PDT

We'll see you on the battlefield!

-The MechWarrior Online Team


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